Differentiate between sieve tube elements and sieve cells.           (4 marks question)

Dear Student,

The difference between sieve tube elements and sieve cells is given below
Sieve tube elements Sieve cells
  • Sieve tube elements are short and wider with oblique end walls.
Sieve cells are long and thin with tapering end walls.
  • Companion cells are present .
Companion cells are present.
  • It is mostly found in pteridophytes and gymnosperms
It is mostly found in gymnosperms and some seedless vascular plants.
  • Sieve area is complex and advanced.
Sieve area is of primitive type. Therefore, it is simple without any structural advancement.
  • Albuminous cells are absent.
Albuminous cells are present.
  • Sieve tubes and companion cells have same origin therefore considered as sister cells.
Sieve cells and companion cells are of different origin, therefore, considered as non-sister cells.
  • Sieve pores are present on sieve plates.
Sieve pores are located all along the wall.


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  1. Elongated cells tapering end walls.
  2. No companion cells associated with it.
  3. Sieve areas doesn't form sieve plates.
  4. Sieve areas are not well differentiated.
  5. Found in Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms.
  1. Consists of vertical cells placed one above the other forming long tubes connected at the end walls by sieve pores.
  2. Have companion cells associated with it.
  3. Sieve areas are confined to sieve plates.
  4. Sieve areas are well differentiated.
  5. Found in angiosperms.



Hope this answer helped..

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