differentiate metals and nonmetals  on the  basis of  physical  properties  in tabular form  .


(  malleability  ,  ductility  ,  sonorous  ,  appearance  ,,  hardness)

 I think you can prepare table yourself.

The properties are--

1.Malleability, Ductility, Sonorous, Hardness -- Only for metals except some exceptions

2.Appearance -- Metals -- Shiny generally

3.Boiling and Melting Point -- Metals high and non-metals not high 

4.Generally donate electrons in ionic bonds and non-metals accept electrons

All these properties are for generally observance and always


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 All these properties are for generally observance and not always

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SONOROUS AND HARDNESS, MALLEABILITY, DUCTILITY, -  all metals can be drawn into wires e.g. copper, aluminium , iron but non metals can not be drawn into wires e.g. graphite , coal so we can say that only metals are malleable .
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Properties of metal
Metallic Lustre: -
The lustre associated with metals. Silver is used for making mirrors because of its excellent shine and reflective nature. Gold, silver, palladium, platinum are all known as noble metals as they occur in an elemental state in nature. Metals lose their lustre or their lustre gets reduced when exposed to air for a long time. This happens due to the formation of a layer of oxide, carbonate, and sulphide on their surface. Due to rust, it gets weak(unstable) and falls off. lead is not lustrous.

Hardness: - Ability of a material to resist the change in shape when a force is applied. Hardness varies.
Malleability: - The property which allows the metals to be hammered into thin sheets without breaking. Aluminum and silver are highly malleable metals.
Ductility: - Most metals are ductile, which means that they can be drawn into thin wires without breaking. For this reason, copper and aluminum are extensively used for making electrical wires.
Gold and silver are the most malleable and ductile metals. Hence, they are extensively used in jewelry.

Conduction of heat: - Metals are generally good conductors of heat.
Conduction of Electricity: - Metals are good conductors of electricity, they allow an electric current to pass through them easily. Using silver for making electric wires is not cost-effective.
Melting and Boiling point: - Melting and boiling points of metals are usually high.
Physical state: - All metals exist as solids at room temperature except mercury
Sonority: - Metal produces a sound on being hit. Hence, they are said to be sonorous. Except for mercury.
Properties of Non- metals

Lustre: - Non-metal do not have a shiny surface. Only iodine is an exception, which has a shiny surface.

Hardness: - Non-metal that exists in a solid state is very soft like sulphur, the carbon in the form of graphite. Diamond, an allotrope of carbon is very hard.
Malleability and Ductility: - Non-metal that exist in solid states are not very strong. They break when pressure is applied. Hence, non-metals are neither malleable nor ductile.
Conduction of heat and Electricity: - Non-metals are poor conductors of heat and electricity. Graphite, an allotrope of carbon is the conductor of electricity.
Physical state: - Exist in all three physical states.
Melting and Boiling point: - Melting and boiling points of non-metals are low except diamond.
Sonority: - Non-metals are not sonorous.

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