differintiate e2x Sin3x Cos4x
[ Hint given in the solution is 2sin3xcos4x = sin7x - sinx by std trignometry formulae
As i understand Sin2A = 2SinACosA . Therefore 2sin3xcos3x = sin6x
So as given in hint 2sin3xcos4x should it be corrected to2sin3xcos3x (cos3x in place of cos4x)
Correct me if i am wrong.]

Let y = e2x cos 4x . sin 3xy = 12e2x2 cos 4x . sin 3xy = 12e2xsin4x+3x - sin4x-3xy = 12e2xsin 7x - sin xy = 12e2x . sin 7x - e2x . sin xdydx = 12e2x . 7 cos 7x + sin 7x . 2 e2x - e2x . cos x - sin x . 2 e2x dydx = e2x27 cos 7x + 2 sin 7x - cos x - 2 sin x

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