Discuss the problem that the five year plans were unable to address?

Dear Student
 The problems that the five year plans were unable to address  were-
​​​​i)Abject Poverty-Alleviation of poverty was the central theme of planning but 22%of population in India still lives below the poverty line.
ii)High Rate of Inflation-Due to high rate of inflation,real income of people had tended to erode and the wedge between rich and poor has tended to swell over time.
iii)Unemployment crisis-While more and more employment opportunities have been generated,challenge of unemployment had not subsided.This has emerged as a serious cause of social unrest as well.
iv)Deficient Infrastructure-Development of infrastructure continues to be inadequate despite many years of planning.

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Quotas expecting to reach 235.9 percent output and labor to increase by 110 percent were unrealistic in the time frame they allotted for. The goals for the plans were not set and those that were, were constantly changed. Each time one quota was met, it was revised and made larger.
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