Discuss the role of hybridization in crop improvement.

One way of incorporating desirable characters into crop varieties is by hybridisation. It refers to crossing between genetically dissimiliar plants. This crossing may be intervarietal, interspecific or intergeneric.

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It is of 3 types

1 intervarietial

2 interspecific

3 intergenetic


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Hybredization can give better quality crops... like hybrid crop which is diesease resistant and have a high yield...

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Crossing two dissimilar individual to obtain an offspring that is more superioir to either parents

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Hybridized plants are those that are the result of cross-pollinating two true breeding plants.Hybridized plants will have a specific phenotype, but have a genotype that reflects both of the parents - they are created to get certain specific traits out of the parents.. Hope this helps you.....
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Discuss the role of hybridization in crop improvement
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Hybridization refers to cross breeding of two genetically different parents to bring our desired characteristics in an individual plant that helps a lot in crop production by improving the fertility and variety of crop.
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hybridization refers to the crossing of genetically dissimilar plants. It may be intervarietal , interspecific and inter generic. Two crops of good characters or desired characters are  selected and crossed to obtain the desired characteristics from the parent crops.this method of hybridization also improves crops with respect to disease resistence, pest resistence,yield and etc.
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Discuss the role of hybridization in crop improvement
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