Discusstwo different approaches to studying cultural change.

Culturalchange is a way in which society changes its patterns of culture.Cultural change takes place through the process of adaptation,contact with other cultures and changes in the natural environment.This change is associated with many sources that can be externalfactors or can be the internal adjustments of the culture.

There aretwo different approaches of cultural change:



Evolutionarychange is slow, for instance in the case of education. In ancienttimes, the individuals were often taught orally. Gradually with thediscovery of paper, writing and publication of books started.Eventually, new subjects were introduced according to the need of thesociety. Further, with the introduction of industrialisation, focuson professional courses also increased and with the introduction ofinformation technology and globalisation the new ways of teachingemerged. Finally, several instruments and gadgets like computer anduse of internet was invented.

Contraryto this, revolutionary change is fast. For instance, revolutionarychange takes place through political intervention, as in the case ofFrance. After the French Revolution the estate system of ranking wasdestroyed and the values of liberty and equality in the society wereestablished. This was a radical change in the society and itsculture.

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