Distinguish between parasites and partial parasites in plants, giving one example of each

 In total parasite the parasite absorb water , minerals , salts and food from it example doddar while in partail parasite ,the plant has leaves but it recives water and minerals from the host example mistletoe  : )

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Parasitism is a type of non mutual relationship between organisms of different species where one organism, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host. Traditionally parasite referred to organisms with lifestages that needed more than one host (e.g. Taenia solium). These are now called macroparasites (typically protozoa and helminths). The word parasite now also refers to microparasites, which are typically smaller, such as viruses and bacteria, and can be directly transmitted between hosts of the same species.

Plant that grow on other living plant and absorb food materials form them are called parasites. Some are total parasites and others are partial parasites. Partial parasites are green in color and can manufacture little food. They can depend entirely on the host plant. An example is the mistletoe.

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Define partial parasites

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PARASITES : Parasites are organisms that obtain food and nutrition from its host plant

PARTIAL PARASITES : These parasites are green plants and can make their own food but they are dependent on the host plant for obtaining water and minerals for the food they need.

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Pagali khudh toh samaj le!
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A plant capable of photosynthesis but dependent on another plant for water and mineral nutrients, eg misdetoe. 2 A plant capable of living independendy but able to become parasitic in suitable circumstances, ie a facultative parasite.
Most of the diseases are caused by fungi bacteria and viruses. There are few seeds plants called flowering parasites (Phanerogams) which are parasitic on living plants. Some of these attack roots of the host, while some parasites on stem.


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Some non green plants live in or on other living organisms and derive their food from them. For example, dodder is a plant that sucks food from another plant using root like structures. Such plants are called PARASITES.

Some parasitic plants like mistletoe plant, which grow on trees such as mango or mahua, have green leaves and can synthesize their food. They take water and minerals from the host plants. They are known ad partial parasites
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Parasites are organisms that live in/on other organisms and derive food from them, example. Mistletoe plant
Partial parasites are organisms that only take in water and minerals from the host plant.
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Parasites are the organisms which live in ( or on ) other living organism and derive food from them.
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Parasites eg dodder
Partial Parasites eg Mistle toe
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Parasites are fully dependant on host whereas partial parasites do photosynthesis log with feeding also on insects.
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Parasites: non - green plants live in or on other living organisms and derive their food from them . 2. The plant from which a parasite get its food is called host . 3. For example: mistletoe plants or dodder Partial parasties: plants which grow on trees have green leaves and can synthesize their food. 2 . They take water and minerals from the host plants. 3. For example: mango or mahua.
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PARASITES : Parasites are organisms that obtain food and nutrition from its host plant

PARTIAL PARASITES : These parasites are green plants and can make their own food but they are dependent on the host plant for obtaining water and minerals for the food they need.

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LoL 😆🤣🤣🤣
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