Distinguish btw qualitative and quantitative data with examples?

Quantitative data are those data which are expressed in quantities such as numerical values, years,etc.. For eg: In the year 2014 there were 107 students in class XI, it rose up to 123 in the year 2015, here the year(2014 n 2015) data [ no.of students (107 n 123) ] are all considered to be quantitative data..

 Qualitative data on the other hand refers to the data which cannot be measured numerically. For eg: Gender.

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can I have one more point to this question because this is originally a 3 Mark qustion??
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The variables which can be expressed in numerical terms are known as quantitative variables, and data collected on quantitative variables is known as quantitative data. On the other hand, variables which cannot be expressed in quantitative terms are called qualitative variables and data on qualitative variables is called qualitative data.
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