Divide each of the following sentences into Subject and Predicate
  1. Mary had a little lamb.
  2. Simple Simonmet a pieman.
  3. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
  4. Little Bo-Peep lost her sheep.
  5. Birds build nest in trees.
  6. He goes to church on Sundays.
  7. The village master taught his little school .
  8. A barking sound the shepherd hears.
  9. Into the street the Piper stepped.
  10. My new watch keeps good time.
  11. Under a spreading chestnut-tree the village the smithy stands.

1. Mary (Subject) /had a little lamb (predicate).
2. Simple Simon (Subject)/ met a pieman (predicate).
3. Humpty Dumpty (subject)/ sat on a wall (predicate).
4. Little Bo-Peep (subject)/ lost her sheep(predicate).
5. Birds (subject)/ build nest in trees (predicate).
6. He (subject)/ goes to church on Sundays (predicate).
7. The village master (subject)/ taught his little school(predicate).
8. The shepherd (subject)/ hears a barking sound (predicate).
9. The Piper(subject)/ stepped into the street (predicate).
10. My new watch (subject)/ keeps good time(predicate).
11. The smithy(subject)/ stands under a spreading chesnut-tree in the village (predicate).

  • 3
I'm just writing the subject and the rest of the sentence is predicate


Little bo pe
  • 2

Humpty Dumpty
Little Bo peep
  • 2
The village master
  • 4
The barking sound of the Shepherd
My new watch
  • 2
9. The piper
  • 2
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