do questn no 22
Q.22.(I) Mention A, B, C, D in the following cycle?

(ii) How many ATP are formed by the reduction of one molecule of FAD into FADH2.
Write differences between C 3   a n d   C 4 plants. (Any five differences).

Dear Student,

Q.22 (1)
A - Alpha keto glutaric acid
B - Succinic acid
C - Oxaloacetic acid

(II) Molecules of ATP formed from reduction of FAD o FADH2 - 3 Molecules

C3 Plants C4 Plants
These plants lack bundle sheath cells, only mesophyll cells are present. These plants have two types of photosynthetic cells - mesophyll & bundle sheath cells.
Same type of chloroplasts are present. These have dimorphic chloroplasts.
Primary acceptor of CO2 is accepted 5 carbon compound i.e- Ribulose-1,5 bi phosphate. Primary acceptor of CO2 is phosphoenol pyruvate.
First stable compound is 3 carbon molecule

First stable compound is 4 carbon molecule.




  • 1
A succinic acid
B Formic acid
C Oxaloacetic acid
  • 0
  • 0
ii) 2
  • 0
A- alpha- ketoglutaric acid
B- Succinic acid
C-Oxaloacetic acid
  • 1
3 Molecules Of ATP
  • 1
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