do you think insect pollinated flowers can also be pollinated by wind .why?

Yes it can because wind is a non living thing. It can carry any pollen grain from any flower
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Yes because insects can carry only light weight seeds ,which can be carried away by wind as well ,as wind can't carry away heavy weight seeds
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yes. if their stigma and anthers are exposed to the open,then wind can pollinate it. otherwise not.becuse wind can blow away only loosely bound pollen,not sticky and tightly bound ones.thus,it sometimes can;sometimes not.
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Yes insect pollinated flowers can also be pollinated by wind if wind is strong enough to carry pollen grains on the stigma of the flowers
  • -1
Yes, it is possible that the insect pollinated flowers can be pollinated by wind because if the wind is strong it can carry the pollen grains. It also depends on the condition of the wind.
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