Doyou agree with the statement that “it is not clear why in apoor developing country, certain basic socio-economic rights wererelegated to the section on Directive Principles rather than made anintegral feature of our fundamental rights”? Give reasons foryour answer. What do you think are the possible reasons for puttingsocio-economic rights in the section of Directive Principles?

Anyanswer supported with argument or explanation would solve thepurpose. It is strongly recommended that you prepare thesolution on your own. However, one sample solution has beenprovided for your reference:

Itis correct that basic socio-economic rights were relegated todirective principles. These rights should have been incorporatedparticularly for backward classes in the same manner as the culturalrights of minorities. A developing country like India requires thefulfilment of the potential of human resources. For this reason, itis essential that the socio-economic requirements of all sections ofsociety are met and all groups have equal opportunities.

Thepossible reason for putting socio-economic rights in the section ofDirective Principles was the lack of adequate resources in a newlyindependent nation. Making socio-economic rights a feature offundamental rights would have placed a burden on the state. Besides,the economic development path of the newly independent country wasalready concerned with planned development whose benefits were to bemade available to all sections of the society.

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