Draw a detailed venn diagram differentiating between Modern P. Table and Mendeleev's P. Table. Thank you.

Dear Students,

Differences between Mendeleev's Periodic table and Modern periodic table:


Mendeleev's periodic table

 Modern Periodic table

1. According to Mendeleev theory, the physical and chemical properties are the periodic function of  the atomic weights of elements.

1. It considers that, chemical and physical properties are the periodic function of the atomic numbers of elements.

2.The basis of classification was the formula of hydrides and oxides made by the elements.

2.Ths basis of classification is the electronic configuration of the elements.

4. The noble elements were not include as they were not discovered at that time.

4.It included noble elements in gr. 18 as a last and separated group.

5. It has an ambiguity in position of some elements as, some elements with larger atomic weights are placed before elements with smaller atomic weight without any justified reason.

5. Here, all are arranged systematically with increasing atomic no. and weight too.

6. According to this theory, the isotopes with different atomic weights, should be placed in different positions, but are not given any position and no, justified reason was explained.

6. The isotopes were assigned same position as they have same atomic no.

7.Some different elements were grouped together while some similar elements were placed  in different groups. Ex: alkali metals like Li , Na, K were placed with coinage metals Cu,Ag, Au etc.

7. No such confusion, the coinage metals have their own position in d-block and alkali metals are placed in s-block elements

8. Group VIII has three elements together, as Fe, Co, Ni

8. These elements are placed in different groups , under d-block elements.

Besides these differences, there are various chemical and physical differences in properties of elements in the two periodic tables..


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