Draw an Octagan and draw 2 diogonals

Dear student,

Steps of construction :

1. Draw a large circle at the centre of the page.
2. Draw a straight horizontal line splitting the circle into two equal parts.
3. Draw a straight vertical line(splitting the circle to equal parts) of which its centre will intersect with that of the horizontal line.
4. Draw a straight diagonal line (northwest to southwest) that will also intersect at the centre,dividing equally the space between the horizontal and vertical lines.
5. Draw another diagonal line (northeast to southeast) that will intersect at the centre, dividing equally the space between the horizontal and vertical lines.
6. Connect the tips of the spokes with straight lines.
7. Erase the circle,leaving behind the formed octagon.
8. Erase the lines inside the octagon.
ABCDEFGH is the required octagon.

Join CH and AE where CH and AE are the two diagonals.


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