Drugs such as Thalidomide taken by woman in first trimester of pregnancy cause all the following malformations in the developing embryo except:-
(Explain the terms a,b & d also)

a) Phacomelia
b) Amelia
c) Heart disorder
d) Placentitis

Ans. Thalidomide does not cause Placentitis.
  1. Phocomelia syndrome (PS) is a rare birth defect that causes severe birth defects, especially of the upper limbs. The bones of the arms, and in some cases other appendages, may be extremely shortened and even absent. The fingers of the hands may be fused.This disorder, may be genetically transmitted within families as an autosomal recessive trait or may be the result of spontaneous (sporadic) changes in the gene or it can also be caused by the ingestion of thalidomide by pregnant women.
  2. Amelia is the birth defect of lacking one or more limbs. It can also result in a shrunken or deformed limb. For example, a child might be born without an elbow or forearm. The term may be modified to indicate the number of legs or arms missing at birth, such as tetra-amelia for the absence of all four limbs. A related term is meromelia, which is the partial absence of a limb or limbs.
  3.  Placentitis, an inflammation of the placenta usually caused by an infectious agent. Placentitis is the most commonly caused by bacteria.
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