Edit the paragraph given below A study performed about the University of New York e.g. about By Revealed that Mobile phone conversations was more annoying than ( a ) Those that occurred Face-to-face, even after the volume was the same. The ( b ) Problem Seems to be that conversations on mobile phones are ( c ) Most noticeable than Face-to-face conversations. Which seems odd, since two ( d ) People talking Together project twice the amount of audio as one person (e ) Talks on the phone The problem seemed to be that people pay more attention ( f ) When they hear only half of conversation

Dear Student, 
Ans: A study, performed by the University of New York, revealed that mobile phone conversations were more annoying than ( a ) those that occurred face-to-face, even if the volume was the same. The ( b ) problem seems to be that conversations on mobile phones are ( c ) more noticeable than face-to-face conversations, which seems odd, since two ( d ) people talking together project twice the amount of audio as one person (e ) talking on the phone. The problem seems to be that people pay more attention ( f ) when they hear only half of the conversation.


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