Enlist five types of flower

Dear student.
Please find the solution below.

Flowers are of two types unisexual and bisexual flowers.
Bisexual flowers contain both male (stamen) and female reproductive parts ( carpels)  while unisexual flowers contain either the male part or female reproductive parts. 
Example of Bisexual flowers: Hibiscus, rose, etc 
Example of Unisexual flowers:  Papaya, watermelon, etc    

According to the corolla (position of petal) flowers are of four types.
Sympetalous: Petals are joined.
Polypetalous: Petals are free.
Actinomorphic flowers can be divided into two radial halves by any radial plane passing through its centre. Examples of these flowers include chilly and mustard.
​Zygomorphic: Zygomorphic flowers are those flowers which can be divided into two similar halves by a single vertical plane. Examples of these flowers include pea and beans.



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