Enlist the floral adaptation for entomophily and anemophily

Dear student, the adaptations of Anemophilous flowers are: 1.Anemophilous flowers dont have colour to attract insects along with the absence of scent and nectar.2 presence of numerous small flowers. 3.Stamens have long filaments and are exposed. 4.Their pollen grains are dry, light weight and powdery. Stigma is sticky & feathery. *ADAPTATIONS OF ENTOMOPHILY* 1.They are brightly coloured which is important to attract insects. 2.They bear nectaries that produce nectar which is fed upon by insects. 3.They have sticky pollens and sticky stigmas so that it easily stick to the feet of the insect. 4. They are conspicuous and fragrant. 5.Their pollens aggregate into sticky mass Thanks and regards

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