enlist the general characters of angiosperms with two examples.

  • All angiosperms have flowers at some stage in their life. The flowers serve as the reproductive organs for the plant, providing them a means of exchanging genetic information.
  • Angiosperms have small pollen grains that spread genetic information from flower to flower. These grains are much smaller than the gametophytes, or reproductive cells, used by non-flowering plants. 
  • All angiosperms have stamens. Stamens are the reproductive structures found in flowers that produce the pollen grains that carry the male genetic information.
  • Angiosperms have much smaller female reproductive parts than non-flowering plants, allowing them to produce seeds more quickly.
  • Angiosperms have carpel that encloses developing seeds that may turn into a fruit.
  • A great advantage for angiosperms is the production of endosperm. Endosperm is a material that forms after fertilisation and serves as a highly nutritional food source for the developing seed and seedling
  • Examples:. magnolia trees, roses, tulips, and tomatoes.

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