‘Environmentof the child has a major role in the development of the child’.Support your answer with examples.

Environmentof the child has a major role in the development of the child becauseit includes the surroundings in which a child develops variouscognitive and motor skills. It also influences the physicaldevelopment of the child according to the limits created by geneticcharacteristics.

Further,the social-economic and cultural environment has a major role in thedevelopment of a child’s thought process.

Forexample, a child who is sent to school is able to developcharacteristics of confidence and self-reliance more easily than achild who does not receive education.

Ingenetic terms, children having angry genetic disposition learn tocalm down if they grow in a stable environment. Therefore,environment plays a vital role in the development of a child, it notonly develops a particular skill but influences the wholepersonality.

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