essay on save animals ?

Save animals: (value points)

  • add to the natural beauty of the country
  • help in maintaining the ecological balance of the nature by contributing towards the food chain
  • we should not be cruel to them as they also breathe and feel like a human being does
  • they are put in cages, used in circus, road shows, animal races, etc. wherein they are treated badly and brutally
  • they are beaten up, not fed properly, not taken care of, not given shelter, etc.
  • some animals are also used for research purposes as the guinea pig
  • various harmful drugs and chemicals are injected inside their body because of which most of them die an untimely death.
  • in the zoo also they are kept in unhygenic surroundings where most of them are not able to survive
  • some animals like tigers, elephants, deer, etc are killed for their hide, horns and teeth etc. which are used for decoration purposes by the humans
  • we need to curb all these inhuman and unjust practices or else these animals will become endangered or even extinct.

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"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the ways its animals are treated" was written by Gandhiji. Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals. Animals are considered as property only. All around the world animals are being used for peoples enjoyment like fairs, circuses, amusement parks, zoos, rodeos, horse and dog racing. We also see animals humoring us on television. A large percentage of these animals are treated poorly. They suffer from the drastic changes in climate, the inappropriate shelters and transportation conditions and the countless beating. The history of animal abuse started off in ancient times. The first encounter, dog fighting and cockfighting traced back to the 12th century. During the early nineteenth century, animal experiments emerged as an important method of science and in fact, marked the birth of experimental physiology and neuroscience . In high schools around the world hundreds and thousands of animals are killed and dissected simply to learn the anatomy of a frog or rat for example. Animal testing and experimentation is not only cruel, horrific and heartbreaking but it is also useless. 94% of animal testing is done to determine the safety of cosmetics and household products. Animals like tigers ,elephants, turtles are also killed for decorations for humans.Hope this helps thumps upp plsss Animals are living, breathing creatures, similar to us that deserve to be treated with respect and loyalty but it is not morally correct to abuse, test, use, and ultimately kill the animals unnecessarily, especially for our comforts, luxuries, and greed. The saving of one life cannot be justified by the killing of another. If we do not stop this insanity, many animals might become endangered and some may even become extinct

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Imagine monkeys and dogs crying out in pain, rabbits bleeding from the eyes because of chemicals, and three or four animals crammed into tiny cages. This is what scientists that test on animals see everyday. In America, 30 million animals are tested on every year. Rats, mice, guinea pigs, dogs, monkeys, cats, and rabbits are only some of the types of animals that are used for testing (Update: Animal Testing). Animal testing is not justified because it is cruelty to animals and because animals arent models for humans.The first reason animal testing is not justified is that it is cruelty to animals. When animal tests are done, scientists inject chemicals into the skin, for example, to see if they have a certain reaction. Obviously, this cant be pleasant for the animal. Some of the chemicals are very harmful or even deadly to the animals. In the article Animal Experimentation is Never Justified, from Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center, it describes some of the horrors of animal testing, conscious monkeys are forced to inhale toxic smoke; improperly anaesthetized dogs are subject to invasive surgery; blinded cats are dropped into vats of water; guinea pigs are coated with corrosive substances that eat through their organs. If starving a pet is considered animal cruelty and you can go to jail for it, then putting lab animals through painful and irritating test should also be considered animal cruelty. It is also animal cruelty because of the way the animals are treated in the labs. The animals are put under so much stress in small cages with sounds of other animals in pain. Issues and Controversies article titled, Update: Animal testing tells the effects of stress, routine handling [elicits] striking elevations in pulse, blood pressure and steroid hormone release that can persist for an hour or more after the event. If the animals are stressed out, the results will be inaccurate. The stress affects the animals nervous systems, which in return affects the results of the tests. Animal cruelty by definition is voluntary harm to an animal. The companies that test on animals are aware that their products can be or are harmful to animals. Otherwise they would just put it straight on the market. Animal testing is not justified because it is animal cruelty.The second reason animal testing is not justified is because animals are not models of humans. Although animals are quite similar to humans, animals and humans differ too much to get accurate test results. An article from Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center, called Animals Testing Is Never Justified, explains why animals are not models of humans, Each species has its own biological system and therefore responds differently to drugs and surgeries. Just because rabbits and humans are both mammals, doesnt mean that we are exactly alike biologically. In the same article it was stated that, many drugs that test safe for animals are later found to cause harmful side effects in humans. The only way to get results for products that are made for humans is to test it on humans. Stem-cell research is the best model for humans.In conclusion, animal testing is a waste of time and money. Testing on animals is cruel and also animals are not models for humans. I order to get real results that will be accurate; companies need to test their products on human stem-cells

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