essay on should mobile be banned in schools

Dear Student,
Please attempt the essay on your own, as such assignments will definitely help you improve your language skills and your creativity. I personally believe that mobile phones should be banned in schools. I don’t know if you agree, but if you do, you can use the following points for your reference to frame the essay.
Start the essay with stating the general benefits and drawbacks of mobile phones, and how they are relevant in a school environment. You can quote a study by Louisiana State University and University of Texas where they found student test scores improving by 6.41% if phones were banned.
You can then elaborate on the following points to form the body of your essay.
  1. Lack of focus – students may tend to concentrate more on their phones than on their lessons during class
  2. Can cause a sense of inferiority in students as many won’t be able to afford expensive brands of phones.
  3. Exchange of insulting texts and other forms of cyber bullying may occur between the students, disrupting the school environment.
  4. Risk of theft of phones, using phones for cheating in exams etc show that phones may be a reason for acts of dishonesty by the students, which will affect the quality of the school atmosphere.
  5. They present a possible health risk – being continuously around their mobile phones may cause health problems in students, like eyesight issues, radiation exposure etc.
In your conclusion, you can summarise the above points in a very brief manner. You can also say that even if phones are brought to school, authorities should take care to lock them away securely so that students aren’t able to use them.
Hope this answers your question. For further doubts, please ask on the forum and our experts will be happy to help you as soon as possible.

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