Ethyl Iodide when treated with dry silver oxide gives?
1) Ethanol
2) Ethylence
​3) Diethyl Ether
4) Ethane

Please explain with reaction!

  • -2
diethyl ether
  • 1
2C2H5I + Ag2O --> C2H5-O-C2H5 + 2AgI
  • 8
2 C2H5I  +  Ag2O  ------>   C2H5-- O -- C2H5 + 2 AgI .  It  is  Di ethyl ether
  • 5
  • 1
Diethyl ether
  • 1
Hence, When diethyl iodide is heated with dry ether, diethylether is produced. Hope this helps.

  • 3
Ya it is ethanol unless and until heat is mentioned.... But when heat is given the two ethanol undergo intermolecular dehydration and convert to diethyl ether
  • 3
Ethyl methyl ether
  • 1
Diethyl ether
  • 0
Reaction of ethyl iodide with silver oxide
  • -1
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