Expand IUD

Why is hormone releasing IUD is consider a good contraceptive to space children

intrauterine devices.

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intra uterine devices

because hormone releasing IUD have the capacity to prevent implantation

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 intra uterin devices

they r not the bst bcoz they hv bad eefects too

lik vomitts,headache ,nausea ,poor stabilityetc

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It prevents implantation and makes the cervix hostile to sperms.
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Because it makes the uterus unsuitable for implantation and also makes the cervix hostile to the sperm
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Intrauterine devices

Because IUDs only suppress the sperm motility or cause phagocytosis of sperm
Some of them makes cervix hostile to sperm
These donot affect further sexual desires
Hence helpful for space children
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Becoz it prevent ectopic pregnancy as prevent the improper implantation in the uterus which leads to abnormal child...
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Intra uterine devices,IUDS releasing hormone in addition 2 make the uterus unsuitable for implantation & the cervix hostile 2 the sperm.OR.IUDS are ideal contraceptive for the females who want 2 delay pregnancy & space children...
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This works as well as birth control pills and a patient doesn't need to remember to take it every day.
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i dont known
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The hormone released by these IUD thickens the mucus present in the cervix so that sperm can not get inside the uterus and it also affect the sperm ability to move inside the uterus by the fallopian tube, Which ultimately reduces the chance of fertilization. And ultimately act as a good birth control device.
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