expects please help me with this its due date is tomorrow


1 To measure the rate of transpiration we use a piece of equipment called a potometer
2 The potometer should be allowed to stand for sometime before starting the experiment so that the air bubble movement fluctuation stabilises and we get accurate readings. 
3 Hypothesis - " As the rate of transpiration increases in presence of sunlight, thus higher temperature results in high transpiration rate, but after a specific temperature it starts decreasing"
a - Dependent variable - Transpiration rate 
b - Independent variable - Temperature
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6 -Conclusion - The rate of transpiration increases with an increase in temperature. Higher temperature increases the water molecules’ kinetic energy, resulting in high transpiration rate. Water molecules evaporate from the mesophyll and diffuse away faster. However, after a specific temperature in order to avoid excessive water loss, the stomata closes and transpiration rate also starts decreasing. 

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