Experts kindly solve it in detail.

Dear Student
Let's think of the electron as a particle. It has a certain mass, m, and a velocity, v. The momentum of the particle is the mass times the velocity, p=mv. The energy of the electron is its kinetic energy
E = ½ m v2 = p2/2m

Now let's think of the electron as a de Broglie particle wave. In a box of length L, the allowed wavelengths are given by our result for the standing waves formed by a string of length L
λn = 2L/n         n = 1,2,3...

Only certain allowed wavelengths are possible.

If we combine this result with deBroglie's relation, we find that only certain allowed momenta are possible
pn = h/λn = nh/2L         n = 1,2,3...

So correct option is 1


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