Experts please EXPLAIN this excerpt AND ELABORATE The List of Eighty Four Rules

Dear Student,
Vishnubhatt Godse was a Brahman from a town in Maharashtra. He was going to Mathura to go to a yajna. He met some sepoys in transit. The sepoys disclosed to him that he ought not to continue on the trip because a huge problem(upheaval) was going to break out in three days. 

 The sepoys further educated Vishnubhatt about the manners in which the British were annihilating the religions of the Hindus and the Muslims and outrage that spread because of it among the rulers and the normal mass. All the large individuals had fixed a date for the war of religion and that date would be coming in three days.
The eighty-four rules were 84 ways to make two communities fight against each other so that unity amongst unity would be broken on the communal lines. This would help Britishers remain in power. 

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