experts please give me a clear explanantion of the solution of this problem

Dear Student,

N2 + 3H2 ---------> 2NH3

Number of moles of N2 = 50kg X 1000g/1kgx1mole/28g

 = 17.86 x 102 mol

Number of moles of H2 = 10kg x1000g/1kgx 1mol/2.016g

 =  4.96 x 103 mol

According to the balanced reaction :

17.86 x 102 mol of N2 will react with = 3/1 x 17.86 x 102

 = 5.36 x 103 mol

since number of moles of H2 are  4.96 x 103

Therefore dihydrogen is the limiting reagent.

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sry dude but i have no idsea :(
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Kartik Gupta stop downvoting my answers . 
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