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Experts........ Please help......... gain neoaovo •ion) •oniza'ion onthalpy A&EE 20« : '0. Th. .ncreawng order of the first ionization enthaipes of the elements B, P. (bwesr 'S Of the fonowrng sets of ions represents a collection of isoelectronjc AÆEE 2007 : '2. charge / size ratio of a cation determines its polarizing power. Which one of fogowng sequences represents the increasing order of the polarizing power of rzt.onc specaes. K', Caz•, Mg? • and Bea ? (C) K • -Cak• z Mod • -Be?' EEE 2008 : WP»cn of the foliownq constitutes a o (B) Be2•

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