experts you should provide detailed answers to our queries because in exam we need to write long and well detailed answers consisting of minimum 6 headings that defines a new and separate point and explaination of each heading with a small paragraph.

Gargi, you are right with the fact that word limit of answers expected from students in the examination is higher than the answers provided by our experts. But, here at meritnation, we believe in developing the overall answer writing abilities of students by providing them with key indicative points and directions so that they can write the answers on their own in the examination. Spoon-feeding of the answers will not only hinder your writing abilities, but will also act as a barrier in your learning process. In case, you face any difficulty in converting the descriptive points into full fledged answers, we are always here to help you out. You can also ask us to review your answers and provide suggestions to improve your answer writing abilities.

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