explain about anglo sikh wars?

Anglo Sikh wars

First War ( 1845-46)

Causes: The main reasons behind the Fourth war were:

1) Anarchy in Punjab after the death of Ranjit Singh caused absence of any control over the army( Khalsa)

2) British policy of encirclement of Punjab from 1833 itself and their military preparations.

3) Confirmation of the suspicions of the Sikh army by the annexation of Sind by the British in 1843.

Sikh Army lost and the First Anglo Sikh war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Lahore (march 1846). The results were:

  • Jullender Doab was ceded to the British and payment of indemnity was on the Sikh
  • A British resident was appointed at Lahore and Dalip Singh was recognised as the ruler of Punjab
  • The Sikh army was reduced and employment of any European without the consent of the British was prohibited
  • The British were allowed to pass through the Sikh territory whenever needed.

Second War (1848-49)

Causes : 

  1. Desire of the Sikh army to avenge their humiliation
  2. Discontentment of the Sikh Sardars with the British control over Punjab
  3. Treatment of Rani Jindan by the British
  4. Rebellion of Sher Singh which led to the outbreak of general rebellion by the Sikh army and the Sardars

The Sikhs were defeated at the Battle of Gujarat in 1849. The results were:

  • Punjab was annexed by Lord Dalhousie and Dalip Singh was disposed
  • A Three member Commission was established to administer Punjab
  • A Chief Commissioner of Punjab was appointed.

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The Anglo-Sikh wars were a series of conflicts between the British East India Trading Company and the Sikh Empire. There have been two Anglo-Sikh wars:

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