Explain any three advantages of globalization.

 +ve impacts of globalistion 

  •  globalisation is a force that touches the lifes of almost all people of the world.
  •  people have close contacts and they can enter into new relationships .
  • investors of developed nations invest in developing nation leading to more foreign investments and economic growth.
  • increased environmental protection in develpoed nations.
  • increased movement of people   b/w countries.
  • it leads to betterment of technology.
  • increases competition.
  • increase the flow of information leading more awarness among consumers and producers.
  • growth of cross cultural contacts new ideas of awarness and consiousness .
  • rises the living standards.
  • world bcom a single unified market.

i hope it helped u. !! humbs up plz!!

  • -7
1.exposure to foreign markets
2. exposure to new technology
3. healthy competition from foreign markets
4. employment opportunities
5. helps in strengthening political ties
  • -12
Advantages of globalisation:
  • Goods and people are transported with more easiness and speed.
  • Global mass media connects all the people to the world.
  • The communication between individuals and the corporations in the world increases.
  • It creates more employment opportunities for the people, especially those providing services.
  • Exposure to foreign market and new technology.

Hope this helps...   : ) 
  • 22
The positive impact of globalisation in India has been tremendous.
1. Greater competition among producers resulting from Globalisation is a great advantage to consumers as there is greater choice before them. Consumers now enjoy improved quality and lower prices for several products.
2. Due to globalisation many MNCs have increased their investments in India. This means thousands of people are getting highly paid jobs and, enjoy much higher standards of living than was possible earlier.
3. Local companies supplying raw materials, to these industries have prospered.
4. Top Indian companies have benefit from increased competition. They have invested in newer technology and production methods and raised their production standards.
5. Some Indian companies have gained from successful collaborations with foreign companies.
Large Indian companies have emerged as multinationals like Tata Motors Globalisation has also created new opportunities for Indian companies providing services, particularly in the IT field. Services such as data entry, accounting, and administrative tasks, are now being done cheaply in India and exported to the developed countries. This has generated thousands of jobs.
  • 3
Globalisation ensures easy and speed transport of goods.. It helps people to communicate long distances It creates an opportunity for foreign trade Thankyouuuu
  • -3
● Globalisation is a force that touches the lifes of almost all people of the world. ● People have close contacts and they can enter into new relationships . ● Investors of developed nations invest in developing nation leading to more foreign ● Investments and economic growth. ● Increased environmental protection in develpoed nations.
  • -3
  • Developed countries can stifle development of undeveloped and under-developed countries.
  • Economic depression in one country can trigger adverse reaction across the globe.
  • It can increase spread of communicable diseases.
  • Companies face much greater competition.
  • -2
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