Explain any two themes of research and application . 4 marker

There are some themes which provide direction to research and application of psychology or to develop principles of behaviour and mental processes, function of the attributes of person and environment, causality of human behaviour cultural constructed human behaviour and controlling the and modifying the behaviour. Any two themes of research and application in psychology are .1 Psychology like other science attempt to develop principles of behaviour and mental processes.@ The main function in which the understanding and explanation of behaviour and mental events and processes psychologist who used to engage in research function more like other scientist. @ The design and conduct experiments for studies under control conditions on a wide range of psychological phenomena the purpose is to develop general principles about behaviour and mental processes.@ For example experimental psychology study the experiences of prediction learning memory thinking and motivation .2 Understanding human behaviour is culturally constructed .@ There are psychologist who believe that more psychological theories and models are Euro American in nature and therefore do not help us in understanding behaviour. @They are give a comment dated both male and female prescriptive in understanding human behaviour.@ a similar critique is made by feminist who argued thatthattpsychology of a xaml prospective and ignore the protection of women
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There are some themes which provide direction to research and application of psychology or to develop principles of behaviour and mental processes, function of the attributes of person and environment, causality of human behaviour cultural constructed human behaviour and controlling the and modifying the behaviour. Any two themes of research and application in psychology are .1 Psychology like other science attempt to develop principles of behaviour and mental processes.@ The main function in which the understanding and explanation of behaviour and mental events and processes psychologist who used to engage in research function more like other scientist. @ The design and conduct experiments for studies under control conditions on a wide range of psychological phenomena the purpose is to develop general principles about behaviour and mental processes.@ For example experimental psychology study the experiences of prediction learning memory thinking and motivation .2 Understanding human behaviour is culturally constructed .@ There are psychologist who believe that more psychological theories and models are Euro American in nature and therefore do not help us in understanding behaviour. @They are give a comment dated both male and female prescriptive in understanding human behaviour.@ a similar critique is made by feminist who argued thatthattpsychology of a xaml prospective and ignore the protection of women....
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