explain army of barefoot boys who appear like the morning birds

Due to poverty, these boys cannot afford slippers or shoes but are free spirited and enjoy an revel their freedom like birds.

These boys call it a tradition to walk barefoot, but in reality they cannot afford slippers or shoes. Their condition is poorer than the priest boys who could get shoes in life after a few decades but the rag-pickers suffer from depravity since generations and their is still no hope of change for them.

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To earn their livelihood the poor children put the rag on thrie soldiers to collect the valuable material from the heaps of garbage . But they do it with the fun in the morning by moving in the teams and they make lot of noise in the morning . So the author compared them to birds because to collect food birds also fly in groups and chirp in the morning while enjoying the full moment 
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What has he roam on the streets
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Due to poverty, these boys cannot afford slippers or shoes but are free spirited and enjoy an revel their freedom like birds. These boys call it a tradition to walk barefoot, but in reality they cannot afford slippers or shoes.

this answer will definately help if it let me know
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The author compares the "army of barefoot boys to birds" as they scrounges the garbage dumps early in the morning and return to their places in the noon. So the author compares them to the birds as they are like the morning birds who are seen in groups in the morning and return to ther places after that
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