Explain contact inhibition and metastasis with respect to cancer

Contact inhibition is a mechanism in a body that helps to control cell division by signalling the cell to stop dividing when it contacts other cell. It maintains the cell one layer thick i.e. monolayer. Loss of contact inhibition leads to cancerous growth of cells.

Metastasis is the spread of cancer to other site from the primary site of malignant cancerous growth. It occurs when a cancerous cell reaches a new area either through blood or through extra cellular fluid and establishes new tumour there.. 

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contact inhibition is a growth mechanism which functions to keep cells growing into a layer one cell thick ( a mono layer) . if a cell has plenty of free
space , it replicates rapidly and moves freely .

metastatis is defined as the development of secondary malignant growths at a distance from a primary site of cancer.

hope this helps !!!
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