explain dandi march? urgent

Dandi March also known as Salt March was launched by Mahatma Gandhi on March 12, 1930 from Sabrmati Ashram to Dandi (a small costal town in Gujarat) to break the salt law. He launched it against the state monopoly on manufacturing and selling of salt as people were not allowed to manufacture salt even for the household use. On reaching Dandi, Gandhiji broke the salt law by manufacturing salt. It ended on 6 April 1930 in Dandi.

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Dandi march was the famous movement launched by Gandhiji to break salt law. As the British government imposed a tax on the salt and established British monopoly over its production, Gandhiji decided to break the salt law. So he walked for 24 days from the Sabarmati ashram to Gujarat coastal town of Dandi. 
It was marched between 12 March 1930 – 6 April 1930.
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