explain graphs in first,secnd,zero order reactions

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For Fisrt order reaction , the possible graphs are given as:
Plot of rate of reaction vs Concentration as: For 1st order, rate of reaction directly depends on one concentration term concentration [A] so, the slop is a straight line passing from origin (which shows increase in [A] will increase rate too.) (Fig 1)
Plot of  Concentration vs time i.e. integrated rate equation: In 1st order, 
we have the equation as log[A] = -(k/2.303) xt + log [A0] here, it is clear that increase in log[A] term will decrease time or increase in time will decrease log[A] and so the slope of graph is downward as fig 2.)

Plot of Half life vs initial concentration [A0]: Here value of half life is independednt of initial conentration and so the slop of the graph is a straight horizontal line as fig.3 ) 
The graphs are given as:


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