Explain how a bread mould reproduce ?

Bread mould reproduce by spore formation. Spores are small structures containing a nucleus. They are produced in large numbers and are very light, being easily dispersed by air and other agents.


 Rhizopus stolonifer which is a fungi is also known as bread mould. It flies as a spore and appears on the surface of the bread. After getting appropriate conditions to grow, the spore sprouts and forms hair like structures on the bread surface. 

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Bread mould reproduces through the mode of spore formation.Spore formation is an asexual mode of reproduction found in certain multicellular organisms like Rhizopus. The thick walled spores have the capacity to develop into new individuals under suitable conditions. Bread mold, once it has matured, will release its spores, which act like seeds, and settle on other areas of the bread, where they grow and continue the cycle

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Bread mould reproduces through the mode of spore formation.Spore formation is an asexual mode of reproduction found in certain multicellular organisms like Rhizopus. The thick walled spores have the capacity to develop into new individuals under suitable conditions. Bread mold, once it has matured, will release its spores, only in favourable conditions...........      during unfavourable conditions the spores are protected by thick wall around them.

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