explain how does exchange of gases occur in plants


1. The exchange of gases on surface of stem and leaves occur due to stomata.
2. Process of gaseous exchange in stomata
i) Guard cells present swells up thus opening the stomata
ii) Exchange of gases takes place?
iii) Guard cells shrink thus closing the stomatal opening.
3) In roots ribosome converts atmospheric nitrogen into water soluble form which?enters the root through root hair along with?


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In woody plants gaseous exchange occurs through the small pores in the stems called lenticles. The exchange of gases in leaves. In leaves respiration takes place by diffusion of oxygen through stomata into the cells of the leaf from where the carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere.
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It occurs by the photosynthesis process . In it , they inhale carbon dioxide and use it in making of food and the oxygen produced by plants is used in little quantity and rest of the oxygen is released into atmosphere.
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It occurs by photosynthesis . During this process exchange of gasses take place. Oxygen goes out & carbon dioxide gets in
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