Explain in brief the nitrogen cycle

Dear student,
78% of earths atmosphere consists of nitrogen.
The process by which nitrogen is converted into different chemical forms ( biological and physical processes) is called nitrogen cycle( biogeochemical cycle).It includes five steps
1. nitrogen fixation : the conversion of atmospheric nitrogen through industrial and biological process into usable form like nitrates for plants.
2.assimilation : absorption of nitrates or ammonia by the root hairs of the plant where it is reduced into nitrite ions and ammonium ions.
3.ammonification or mineralisation : when an organism is dead , the  bacteria convert the organic nitrogen of the dead organism to ammonium ions
4.nitrification : the conversion of ammonium ions to nitrate by nitrifying bacteria.( nitrosomonas, nitrobacter)
5.denitrification : reduction of nitrates to nitrogen gas in anaeorbic conditions( pseudomonas)

hope you have understood.

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