Explain in detail endomembrane system ,,?

Dear Student,

The membranous organelles are distinct in terms of its structure and function. Many of these are considered together as an endomembrane system because their functions are coordinated.

The endomembrane system includes endoplasmic reticulum (ER), golgi complex, lysosomes and vacuoles. The eukaryotic cell's endomembrane system is a network of organelles involved in manufacturing and material transport, allowing the cell to make, move and break down cellular products.

Since the functions of the mitochondria, chloroplast and peroxisomes are not coordinated with the above components; these are not considered as part of the endomembrane system.
The lysosomes and vacuoles are considered  part of the endomembrane system because the functions of lysosomes and vacuoles are coordinated with the functions of other members of the endomembrane system,i.e., endoplasmic reticulum and golgi apparatus. Being different organelles, their functions are also different. Lysosomes  are the organelles responsible for digestion of  various substances like carbohydrates, proteins, etc, while vacuoles are responsible for facilitating expulsion of waste products from the cell.


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Euglenoids (such as?Euglena) are unicellular protists commonly found in fresh water.

Instead of cell wall, a protein-rich cell membrane known as pellicle is present.

They bear two flagella on the anterior end of the body.

A small light sensitive eye spot is present.

They contain photosynthetic pigments such as chlorophyll and can thus prepare their own food. However, in absence of light, they behave similar to heterotrophs by capturing other small aquatic organisms.

They have both plant and animal-like features, which makes them difficult to classify.

Any other characteristic ?
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