Explain in detail....

Molar mass of CaCO3 = 100g/mol

Molar mass of MgCO3=84.3 g/mol

Let number of moles of CaCO3 and MgCO3 in the mixture is X & Y respectively .


100X+84.3 Y= 1.84.......................(1)


On heating the mixture...

CO2 goes off from the product but mixture of  CaO and MgO remains in the solid form.

Molar mass of CaO= 56g/mole

Molar mass of MgO= 40.3 g/mole

From the equation it is clear that number of moles of  MgO & CaO in product mixture is same as that of respective carbonates in the reactant mixture.



Solving equation 1 and 2 we get.





Thus mass of CaCOin mixture =100 X 0.0098 =0.98 g

Mass of  MgCO3 in mixture = 84.3 X 0.01= 0.86 g

 Mass % of CaCOin mixture=

Mass % of  MgCO3 in mixture =

100-53.26= 46.74%

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