Explain Nomenclature in details

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Naming of carbon compounds are known as nomenclature.
For example,
Having two carbon with single bond name is butane.
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Nomenclature, in biological classification, system of naming organisms. ... The species to which the organism belongs is indicated by two words, the genus and species names, which are Latinized words derived from various sources.This system, which is called the Linnaean system of binomial nomenclature, was established in the 1750s by Carolus Linnaeus. Subsequent to the work of Linnaeus, a proliferation of binomial names took place as new species were established and higher taxonomic categories were formed, with the result that by the late 19th century there was much confusion in the nomenclature of many groups of organisms. In the 20th century, the establishment of rules by international committees in the fields of zoology, botany, bacteriology, and virology has done much to clarify the situation.
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Ho.pe ..it helps you!
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System of giving two names to an organism is called Binomial nomenclature. It is recognized all over the world.

Corolus Linnaeus gave a scientific naming system in which an organism is given two names.

The first part is the generic name and the second part is the (specific) species name.

Conventions that are followed:

It is conventional to write the first letter of the generic name with a capital and the first letter of the specific name with a small letter. Example: ?Felis domestica?? common cat.

Scientific names must be underlined separately when written by hand.

In printed matter these names are printed in?Italic?and underlined when handwritten.


Scientific names are followed and understood all over the world.

Names are not changed according to country or language.

Names are not changed often.
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