explain soil profile with diagram

Thesoil profileis a vertical section through the soil showing its differenthorizons. It is the result of
- the balance between soil system inputs and outputs.
- the redistribution of and chemical changes in the soil constituents.

The three major soil horizons (can be further sub-divided) are referred to by specific letters to indicate their genetic origin.
1. The upper layer orA horizon,is where biological activity and humus content are at their maximum. It is also the zone that is most affected by theleachingof soluble materials and by the downwardeluviationof clay particles.
2. Beneath this is theB horizonwhich is thezone of accumulationorilluviation, where clays or other materials moved down from the A horizons are redeposited. The A and B horizons together make up the true soil.
3. TheC horizonconsists mainly of weathered material (regolith) resting on thebedrock(unaltered undelying geology).
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