Explain the action of antibiotics and vaccines using suitable examples.

Dear student, 
​Please find below the solution to the asked query                

Antibiotics acts by blocking certain biochemical pathways which are essential for the survival of bacteria like cell wall formation, protein synthesis etc. For example: Penicillin is an antibiotic. It blocks the formation of cell wall in bacteria, which makes bacteria weak and ultimately results in death of bacteria. 

Vaccine is a suspension of killed or attenuated microbes, or a substance that mimics the disease-causing microbes. It acts by stimulating an immune response of the body which can prevent the infection or create resistance to an infection.

For example: If a child has suffered from small pox once, then there is almost no chance of him suffering from it again. This happens because when the immune system of the body encounters a virus for the first time, it reacts against it and remembers it.
Therefore, when small pox virus attacks the body for a second time, the immune system reacts strongly to prevent chances of suffering from the disease again. 

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.   
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