Explain the answers in detail. As possible ...

Assertion : Kidneys maintain the osmotic concentration of the blood.

Reason : Kidneys eliminate either hypotonic or hypertonic urine according to the need of the body

(a)   Assertion is True, Reason is True, Reason is a correct explanation for Assertion

(b)   Assertion is True, Reason is True ; Reason is NOT a correct explanation for Assertion

(c)   Assertion is True. Reason is False

(d)   Both the Assertion and Reason are False. 


Dear Student,

Option (a) is Correct
Assertion and Reason both are True and reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.

Kidneys play an vital role in maintaining the Osmotic pressure and Osmoconcentration of Blood.
When water intake is High, the urine excreted needs to be Hypotonic i.e, Dilute and low osmotic pressure. This is done to remove excessive water.
Where as , when water intake is Low, the Urine excreted needs to be Hypertonic i.e, more concentrated and higher is osmotic pressure. This is done to reduce loss of water.


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