explain the causes that lead to the import of slaves from africa?

Dear Student,

Please refer the points below:

a. The European exploration and settlement marked the beginning of the slave trade.
b. With the discovery of America and its rich mineral resources, Europeans began to sell salves in America from Africa as workers in plantations and mines.
c. ​ Discovery of America with its vast land, abundant crops, minerals transformed the entire system of trade . These helped in enhancing Europe's wealth which could now establish direct contact with America. It later sent many expeditions to America .
d  With its discovery , the
 centre of world trade shifted westwards.Precious metals, like silver, from mines enabled Europe to finance its trade with Asia.​
e. It brought about the conquest and colonisation of America. 
d.  Europeans to meet their requirement for labour began importing slaves from Africa.
f. Slaves working in the plantations there, started growing cotton, sugar and other crops for European markets .
g. Also the banning of Forced labour in Spain in the year 1601, compelled Europeans to turn to Africa to meet their demand for cheap labour.



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