explain the causses of intake of drug and alcohol ?

Dear student,
Please find below the solution to the asked query
Alcohol/ Drug Addiction
When a person uses alcohol/ drug repeatedly, he becomes addicted. Addiction refers to psychological attachment to certain effects such as euphoria and temporary feeling of well-being associated with use of alcohol or drugs. In addiction, tolerance level of receptors present in our body increases towards the drug. This drives the person to use them even when they are not required or when they tend to harm his health / family life.

Causes of alcohol/ Drug Abuse
  • Alcohol / drug abuse normally starts in adolescence (period between 12-18 yrs − transition phase between childhood and adulthood).
  • Many adolescents are motivated towards drugs/ alcohol due to curiosity and experimentation.
  • Peer pressure, academic stress, unstable family structure further incline youth towards alcohol/ drug abuse.
  • Perception of consuming alcohol / drug being cool and progressive and use of alcohol/drug in television, movies, etc. further promote this habit.
Hope this information will clear your doubts about the causes of alcohol and drug Abuse.
If you have any more doubts just ask here on the forum and our experts will try to help you out as soon as possible.


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