Explain the cellular elements of blood....!!

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Please find the solution below:

Formed elements include WBCs, RBCs and platelets.

Red Blood Cells are bi-concave disc shaped. Their circular shape that resembles a shallow bowl, but they can change shape without breaking to squeeze through smaller spaces if necessary. RBC do not have nucleus. It contains haemoglobin that combines with oxyhaemoglobin which is transported to the tissues of the body for the purpose of respiration. Also carry carbon dioxide from the body tissues to the lungs.
White Blood Cells have different shapes, depending on their function. While they can multiply easily, they don't change shape. Though WBCs are irregular in shape, but have a nucleus and an outer buffer coat. It fights against infections and protect body by producing antibodies.
Platelets: These are irregular in shape, without nucleus and plays major role in the blood clotting. These cells help to clot the blood, that is they help in the coagulation of blood.


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Plasma?is the main component of blood and consists mostly of water, with proteins, ions, nutrients, and wastes mixed in. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide.?Platelets?are responsible for blood clotting.?White blood cells?are part of the immune system and function in immune response.
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Dear student,

Composition of blood : Blood is a fluid connective f tissue found in practically all parts of the body. It circulates in the body through vessels called arteries and veins. The blood consists of two parts : plasma (liquid part) and corpuscles (solid parts). The blood corpuscles float in the plasma.

Plasma : Plasma is a faint yellow, slightly alkaline, somewhat viscous fluid.

Blood corpuscles : They are of three major types :

a) Erythocytes (RBCs):

(i) These are circular disc-shaped, biconcave cells without a nucleus.
(ii) They contain a red pigment haemoglobin which has great affinity for oxygen.
(iii) They carry respiratory gases.
(iv) They are 4.5 - 5 million in healthy female while 5 - 5.5 million in a normal healthy male.

b) Leucocytes (WBCs):

(i) They are colourless, nucleated and longer than RBC.
(ii) Their count is 6000 -1,000 per m3 of blood.
(iii) Their main function is protection against foreign particles (germs) by ingesting them, through phagocytosis.
(iv) They are of two types - agranulocytes and granulocytes.

c) Thrombocytes (Blood platelets):

(i) These are very small, irregular bodies, without any nucleus.
(ii) Their cytoplasm contains distinct granules.
(iii) Their number is about 250,000 per cm^3.
(iv) They helps in coagulation of blood

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