
Evaporation is the process of turning from liquid into vapour due to change in certain factors such as temperature, surface area, wind speed, etc. Example is conversion of water into water vapour on heating.

Four Factors affecting rate of evaporation are:
  1. Temperature - Evaporation is directly proportional to temperature, that is it increases with increase in temperature. Due to increase in temperature of the substance the kinetic energy of the molecules increases at its surface and therefore the rate of their evaporation increases as more number of molecule escape the surface.
  2. Surface area - Evaporation is directly proportional to surface area that is evaporation increases with an increase in surface area. Due to increase in surface area the number of molecule present on the surface per unit volume increase hence evaporation increases as more number of molecule are present on surface to escape.
  3. Humidity - Evaporation is inversely proportional to the amount of water vapour present in the air is called humidity. The rate of evaporation decreases with an increase in humidity. If there is humid air present around the surface of evaporating substance then rate of evaporation decreases as the air around the surface is already saturated with vapour hence it become difficult for molecules present on the surface to escape the surface of  evaporating substance.
  4. Wind speed -Evaporation is directly proportional to wind speed that is evaporation increases with an increase in wind speed.

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